
Increase Your Desire


Your personal standard serves as the benchmark for the quality of life you are willing to accept. This standard represents the minimum level of success that you are demanding from yourself. To increase the quality of your life, you need to raise the current standard you hold for yourself.

The determination you show by increasing your standard, will follow with daily committed action towards what you truly desire. By doing so, you will begin to attract new opportunities and people in your life that will align you with the success you desire.

Sit down and reflect on your current standard, whether it's in your business, job, relationships, or any other area of your life where you feel dissatisfied. Create a new standard for yourself and commit to never falling below it. You will begin to see consistent daily improvement, as new doors open and old ones shut.

Limiting beliefs:

We each possess a belief system that influences our actions and shapes our perceptions. These beliefs affect how we view ourselves and the world around us, and they can be significantly limiting.

These long-lasting beliefs that we have been conditioned to accept are the very ones preventing us from living the lives we deeply desire.

Ask yourself what specifically are your limiting beliefs? What are the beliefs that are holding you back on a daily basis?

For Example: My limiting beliefs used to be that I was not qualified enough to branch out on my own and pursue something I was passionate about. Those beliefs were rooted in a mindset of unworthiness that I held at the time.

Once I began to question why I held these beliefs, I concluded that there was absolutely no truth to them. I realized that I had simply set a low standard for myself at the time. I was then able to completely eradicate these beliefs from my mind and replace them with empowering ones which aligned me with my true desires. I raised my standard and increased my desire.

How to Get Rid Of Them:

  1. Question where those beliefs originated. Are they true? Where is the evidence? In 99% of cases, you will find there is no supporting evidence. You have simply not been consciously aware of the thoughts you are choosing to believe.

  2.  Replace them with new ones. A great way to do this is through goal-setting, specifically by using goal cards. Write your goal on a card and read it to yourself several times throughout the day to maximize the power of repetition. As Bob Proctor says, we learn through repetition

Napoleon Hill stated in the book Think and Grow Rich, β€œThe trait that distinguishes almost all successful people from the unsuccessful is desire.”

Remember: What you focus on expands. Shift your focus. Believe that you are worthy, and expect to receive what you desire.

Action Item:

Sit down and reflect on your current standard, whether it's in your business, job, relationships, or any other area of your life where you feel dissatisfied. Create a new standard for yourself and commit to never falling below it. You will begin to see consistent daily improvement, as new doors open and old ones shut.



