The Power of Improving Yours:
Our self-image is in direct relation with the success, or failures in our life.
We have two images:
The image we put forth to the world
The picture we hold in our minds
We can never outperform our self-image. Our results are in fact, a physical manifestation of the picture we hold in our minds.
Take a look at any successful person in any industry and examine how they think and talk about themselves. A confident individual will, at the very least, have a general understanding of who they are and who they want to become. In my opinion, the hardest part of improving our self-image is the beginning—the first step, which is reflecting on the current image we hold of ourselves. Our present self-image will influence the results we achieve in the future. We must first address the fears, doubts, and insecurities we see in ourselves—our limitations. Our self-image truly controls our physical life so ,the lack of results directly stems from limitations in our mind. Remember, no one can force you to think thoughts you do not desire, which also means that no one can adjust or improve your self-image for you; it has to start from within. Once we address this, we have the power to create the life we desire.
How do we build a better self-image?
We have to reframe the programming in our minds. Start by addressing the limitations you hold in your mind. Let me share a story about myself.
I used to present an image to the world—that I didn’t care about others opinions or what was said about me when I wasn't around—but that was entirely false. I did care. In fact, I thought about it a lot, and it influenced the decisions I made every day. I’ve always had a strong desire to start my own business, yet I was constantly worried about what people would think. Whenever an idea came to mind, I questioned it. Instead of focusing on how I could make it work, I was preoccupied with the fear of potential negative opinions from others. I also feared the possibility of failure. As a result, I never got past the idea stage. I had a significant limitation in my life that I was always afraid to confront. I was afraid to put myself out there. Today I can say that I no longer give a single fuck about the negative opinions of others.
How did I build a better self-image for myself?
I addressed my limitations- I developed an understanding of myself. The more you learn about yourself, the more you can increase your self-image.
I created a clear image of what I desired- Through goal-setting.
I reframed the picture in my mind- Through repetition, I replaced the limiting beliefs in my mind, with those that aligned with my goals.
I took action- One of the best ways to increase our self-image is through action.
Remember that you can never outperform your self-image, and no one can change it for you.
Identify what you desire, and align your self-image in harmony with it. We must be consciously aware of the thoughts we choose. Reframe limiting thoughts with encouraging thoughts, and take action as if your already the person you desire.
Improving your self-image will transform every aspect of your life, including your career, business, relationships, health, etc.
Remember- Do not give a fuck about anyone’s negative opinions towards you. They do not matter.