How to raise your standard and self-image
Identity is another way to refer to your self-image. Your identity is the most honest picture you have of yourself on a subconscious level. You can never outperform the image you hold in your mind of yourself, as it works in direct relationship with your results.
Most people have the philosophy of this relationship reversed. Instead of controlling their results, they let their results control them. If you're not satisfied with what your currently getting, don’t let yourself become a reflection of your results. You can’t allow yourself to accept your current results.
How can you do this? It’s simple. Although you might not see immediate changes in your results, you will see immediate changes in your behaviors, habits, and attitudes. The easiest way to change your self-image is to behave into a new one. Any new goal you set or anything you're going after that is a level up from where you are now, is going to require you to think, feel, and act from the identity of that goal. The best way to do this is to disrupt comfort every day, be bold and take chances.
Too many people in life accept what they don’t want on a daily basis, and therefore become complacent where they’re at. Never allow your conscious thinking to accept anything that you don’t want. Disrupt the comfort of your thoughts and actions and raise your standard. You need to be able to create transformation within as you’ll always attract what’s in harmony with your standard.
Improve your Identity by behaving into a new one. Disrupt the comfort of your thoughts and actions. Start behaving as the person that has achieved your goal. Don’t let the picture you hold of yourself be a reflection of your results, rather develop the picture you hold of yourself and let the results follow.
Your philosophy is your automatic operating system. Operate with a bigger philosophy of yourself, develop your identity, and you’ll see drastic improvements.